
Volunteer Spotlight: Albert Assad

Albert Asaad - Prospera Volunteer Georgia
Prospera Georgia Regional Board Chair Albert Assad is a distinguished executive and entrepreneur with extensive experience leading high-growth initiatives. As Founder and Managing Partner of Atlantic Consulting Solutions, he has driven strategic transformation and growth for numerous businesses globally. With a career spanning many industries, Albert excels in strategic decision-making, organizational restructuring, and capital raising. Demonstrating his commitment to community service, Albert serves on several nonprofit boards, including Prospera, where he actively contributes to the organization’s mission and strategic initiatives. Keep on reading to get to learn more about him –


What are your company’s mission and services?

To strategically scale small businesses into high-value enterprises.  We offer a variety of services in strategy, management and finance tailored to small business owners. We help them make better decisions by creating the right tools to use to run their business better.


What motivated you to serve on Prospera’s board as a volunteer and chair?

My mother comes from a very poor Mexican family.  She moved to the US as a single mom with 4 children not to look for the American dream but just to survive helped mainly by my grandparents.  She had to work, study and take care of her family at the same time.  She had no good mentors nor advice.  I was born in the US but grew up in Mexico until I was 6 years old.  When we moved to the US, I did not speak English and had to start from zero.  My mom always believed that with education we would succeed.  So, she sent me to boarding school to get the best education possible.  I now have 4 master’s degrees including from an Ivy League school.  I’ve lived both worlds.  I know that when you have support and advice you can accomplish so much more, really you can accomplish anything.  After being disillusioned from being on many boards because I saw how they deviated from focusing on their membership, I met Prospera.  I didn’t know much about it so I was not interested in joining.  I made it clear that I did not have time to join.  But as they explained to me that they focus on workshops and one-on-one consulting, I became very interested because I thought, “That’s exactly what small businesses need”.  Prospera works with the smaller segment that I don’t work with.  I immediately fell in love!

What have you enjoyed the most so far about serving on Prospera’s board?

I love seeing the great focus we have on our mission and how obsessed we are with results and local impact.  We have very concrete drivers we measure such as job creation, number of one-on-one consultations, revenue growth for our clients among many other KPIs.

Additionally, it’s awesome to see the high quality of board members that are actively engaged in helping the Hispanic community!


What would you most like the local community to know about Prospera?

We are here to help you one on one. We offer you one-on-one consultations for FREE!  We help you with experts we hire to work with you individually on planning, legal contracts, accounting, marketing services, access to capital, etc.


What is the most important lesson you’ve learned throughout your career?

Be not afraid to look for help.  The most successful people surround themselves by people that are smarter than them.  That’s how you become really successful.


How do you achieve work/life balance?

I’m a workaholic by nature but I also have a very strong social and family life.  I do not look to balance.  I look to integrate.  For example, when I get home, I spend all the time I can with my son until he goes to bed, then I get back to work.  I don’t have to choose, I prioritize.  That gives me peace of mind, focus on my real priorities and time to get it all done.

How do you stay informed about trends in your industry?

I read a lot.  Every morning, I read summaries of many newspapers called Morning Brew and I listen to the morning summary of the WallStreet Journal.  Then I can dive deeper into news I need to know more about.


Where is your favorite place to have a meeting outside of the office?

I meet with my clients at their offices.  Otherwise, I like to spend time at shared workspace called ROAM Workspace that allows to be with others in an environment of privacy.


Which social media platform do you use most frequently?

All of them.  I have my marketing specialist use all the platforms where we can post our advice and work to educate people and keep people informed.


What is one item still on your bucket list?

To do a cruise in the Northern Baltic Sea.  I want to visit the capitals of all the Nordic countries.

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